Welcome to DIMTips Community Coin

Here you will find the key information regarding the minted coins for $DIMTIPS and $DIMTIP


After years of engaging with communities on social media and providing solutions to everyday challenges, we've identified a major barrier to progress: the lack of funding to restore, repair, or improve essential items. To address this, we are proud to introduce the $dimtips—a new cryptocurrency designed to unlock the potential for positive change.


Phase 1: Launch and Funding
The first phase of our journey begins with the launch of the $DIMTIPS & $DIMTIP coins is to secure the necessary funding for impactful projects. 

✅  Funding Secured

✅  DIMTIPS minted 1 Billion XRPL (XRP Ledger)

✅  DIMTIPS minted 1 Billion on KRC20 (KASPA)

✅  DIMTIPS minted 1Billion on SOL (Solana). 


Phase 2: Listings

Get listed on Coin Market Cap

Get listed on Coin Gecko


Community-Driven Allocation
Once the coin is live, we will establish a system to allocate funds to new, promising projects. The community will have a direct role in this process, as we will empower token holders to vote on which initiatives deserve support. This ensures that the most worthy projects get the backing they need to succeed.


Providing Liquidity & Sustaining Growth
A portion of the tokens will be set aside for liquidity purposes, ensuring a stable and accessible market. Additionally, a reserve will be dedicated to running costs, marketing efforts, and the listing of the coin on exchanges to maximize exposure.



Community Airdrop 10%

Community Allocation for New Projects 10%

Marketing 10%

Team & Advisors 5%

Maintenance 15%

Strategic 5%

Burn 30%

Future Projects on DIMTips Socials 10%

* the allocation per coin is dependant on Wallet holdings, which will be shared.


Transparency and Accountability

We are committed to transparency, and will share a detailed roadmap.


Join us in building a better future—together. The $DIMTIPS and $DIMTIP coins are more than just a cryptocurrency; it’s a movement that puts power in the hands of the people. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready to be a part of something bigger!